Why the hell can't people obey the rules?
I am referring to the most annoying of practices whereby people think it is acceptable to cycle on a footpath. This is not acceptable. In fact it is against the law (from the highway code):
You MUST NOT cycle on a pavement. Do not leave your cycle where it would endanger or obstruct road users or pedestrians, for example, lying on the pavement. Use cycle parking facilities where provided. Laws HA 1835 sect 72 & R(S)A sect 129
and also regarding traffic lights: Quote:50: You MUST obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals. Laws RTA 1988 sect 36, TSRGD reg 10(1)
64: Do not ride across a pelican, puffin or zebra crossing. Dismount and wheel your cycle across.
55: You MUST NOT cross the stop line when the traffic lights are red. Some junctions have an advanced stop line to enable you to position yourself ahead of other traffic (see Rule 154). Laws RTA 1988 sect 36, TSRGD reg 10, reg 36(1)
Why then do so many people think that they can get away with it? Surely these laws should be enforced? Especially when our already overcrowded roads have been further reduced with the introduction of cycle lanes for the benefit of cyclists! And this was in addition to cyclists being permitted to use bus lanes.
What also REALLY irks me is the look you get from a cyclist when you do not get out of their way. Who do they think they are? You get out of my way! NOW!
And what do you think you are cycling on? In the states they call it a sidewalk, here we call it a pavement or a footpath. Now forgive me for being pedantic but: sidewalk and: FOOTpath. AHEM! I think the clue is in the word. There are cycle paths and cycle lanes but on my way to work I walk not on a foot/cycle path but a bleedin FOOTPATH!
Don't get me wrong, I am not against cyclists, far from it, I am myself a cyclist, but when using my bike I try to obey the rules. I do not use the footpath, I wait patiently for the lights to change in the area at the front of the queue that the council has kindly provided for me at great expense.
Rant over
(You guessed it, I was nearly run over by a cyclist on a PEDESTRIAN crossing this morning and got shouted at for not moving out of the way, I should have had a stick handy so I could have rammed it in her spokes, that would have been a laugh)